ABOUT R&T The best choice for certification of plumbing and mechanical products for markets in the United States, Canada and Mexico.

IAPMO R&T est la première agence de certification de produits de plomberie et de mécanique en Amérique du Nord. Elle est accréditée par l'ANSI-ANAB National Accreditation Board (ANAB), le Standards Council of Canada (SCC) [le Conseil Canadien des Normes (CCN)] et l'entidad mexicana de acreditación, a.c. (ema)et est reconnue par la Comisión Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA).

IAPMO R&T est conscient de l’importance des « délais de commercialisation » et des délais d'exécution afin de répondre à presque n’importe quelle échéance, sans jamais compromettre la qualité du service, ni la force du référencement. Le personnel d'IAPMO R&T travaille avec des clients du monde entier pour fournir des ressources flexibles et locales afin de répondre à leurs besoins.

Cela fait de IAPMO R&T un point de vente multiservice pour l’ensemble de vos produits de certification en Amérique du Nord

En tant qu'agence de référencement préférée des fabricants et des inspecteurs, la marque IAPMO R&T et sa réputation d'offrir des produits de qualité sont inégalées dans l’industrie. Les marques de conformité d'IAPMO R&T sont largement reconnues et représentent le plus haut degré d’intégrité en attestant de la conformité aux normes et aux codes établis.

IAPMO R&T is North America’s premier plumbing and mechanical product certification agency. It is accredited by ANSI-ANAB National Accreditation Board (ANAB)Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and entidad mexicana de acreditación, a.c. (ema) along with recognition by Comisión Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA).

IAPMO R&T understands the importance of “speed to market” and tailors turnaround times to meet almost any deadline, never compromising quality of service nor strength of the listing to do so. IAPMO R&T staff works with clients around the globe to provide flexible, local resources to accommodate their needs.

This makes IAPMO R&T a true one-stop shop for all of your product certification needs in North America.

As the preferred listing agency of manufacturers and inspectors, the IAPMO R&T brand and its reputation for quality are unparalleled in the industry. IAPMO R&T Marks of Conformity are widely recognized and represent the highest degree of integrity in showing compliance with established codes and standards.



IAPMO R&T is committed to providing the highest quality services
to professionals in the plumbing and mechanical industries.



IAPMO R&T offers a fair price for a listing that delivers on all of its promises. IAPMO R&T’s fees are directly tied to the services provided and reflect the high quality of our service. Further, in addition to certifying to the applicable performance standards, we evaluate your product to the applicable Uniform Codes at no additional cost.



No third-party certification body in North America has been listing plumbing and mechanical products longer than IAPMO R&T. A familiar
cUPC® mark is what you will need to bring your products to the United States and Canada, and we also offer NOM certification for the
Mexican market.



Building officials look for IAPMO R&T’s marks of conformity as a benchmark for acceptable products in their jurisdictions; they promote confidence, open doors and eliminate doubt.



Our trained staff is multicultural and capable of answering all of your questions in multiple languages. Our menu of certification services and expert customer service is available on five continents.



ANSI-ANAB Accredited Logo

ANSI-ANAB Accredited
ISO/IEC 17065
Product Certification Body

Standards Council of Canada (SCC) Accredited logo

Standards Council of Canada (SCC) Accredited
Accrédité CCN

Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación Logo

Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación
Organismo de Certificación
Acreditado 97/13

amazon service partner logo

Seller Central Partner Network

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